Monday, January 26, 2009

My Reflections

The following 5 blogs are written about the book SHE SAID YES by Misty Bernall who lost a daughter in the Columbine High School Massacre in 1999.
The book SHE SAID YES touched me deeply. I thought about how impossible it is to deal with the death of someone who is so close to your heart. Many people think they know but they have never experienced their child being murdered. As I read the book I thought about how everyone thinks that they live in a safe area but in reality you never know what could happen and you should not take a life for granted. The book really made me aware of the people around me and made me think about how lucky I am that I have never experienced such a horrible death like Cassie's family experienced. SHE SAID YES is a remarkable story of a average teenager who was killed in a terrible way.

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