Monday, January 26, 2009

Last act of Bravery

Before Cassie was shot the gunmen asked her a question, "Do you believe in g-d." Cassie replied "yes" before being shot in the head. Some witnesses say that they never asked her that question while others say that they heard the gunmen say something about g-d and Cassie reply "yes". The last word out of her mouth was a strong act of bravery. She stood up for what she believed in even if that cost her her life. She may have been shot anyway but she defended her belief. It was extremely brave of Cassie to say "yes."
Cassie was not the only individual who performed an act of bravery on that day. A teacher stood in the way of one of the boys to stop him from shooting more students. The teacher lost his life but he saved others. Although Cassie did not save herself or anyone, she stood up for what she believed in as her final act of bravery.

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