Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Caring for cats

Since last time we decided that cats are better I will now tell how to take care of indoor cats. Before getting a cat you should make sure your house has a place to put food and their litter box. You should also purchace a litter box, water dish, food dish, cat treats, nail clippers, kitty liter, cat food and cat food. These things are not expensive and can be purchased at any pet store. When setting up the liter box put a liner with a drawstring in the box and then pore the kitty litter in until it is about 2/3 full. You want to make sure the cats have enough room to dig. I know my cats will spend hours digging and we say to him "say hello to China for me." The kitty liter needs to be changed about once a week. You do this by picking up the drawstrings and closing the bag. Changing the kitty liter is a pain but it is worth having cats. Some people prefere to give their cats food slowly but others prefere to just change their food once in a while. Either works. When giving the cats treats make sure you do not give then to much or they will throw up. Give them about three a day. Last but not least you need to make sure there is a vet in the area. Take the cat to the vet for check ups once a year. I hope you will take good care of your cats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't have a cat. but watever.